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In response to member feedback suggesting a reduction was needed in the volume of email ACRM distributes, ACRM staff re-examined all communications procedures. It was noted that with the recent growth in networking groups, also came an increase in email. Our most involved members, those who participate in multiple ISIGs, networking groups, and task forces, were the hardest hit.

In an effort to reduce the email burden on our members, we will be reducing the frequency of our ECNG e-newsletter from a monthly distribution to a quarterly distribution. The next issue is targeted for May.

Concerned about not receiving or being able to send timely notifications relevant to ECNG? Don’t you worry! ACRM does have a weekly member enewsletter, ACRM eNEWS, that goes out to ALL ACRM members. Now, group chairs may submit weekly articles or announcements on your behalf (90 words or less with a link) to Cindy Robinson, each Monday for publication in ACRM eNEWS on Thursday of the same week. So, make sure you watch for the Early Career Networking Group logo banner alerting you to the latest Early Career news!

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