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All of the ECNG task forces welcome new members. Contact the chair to participate.

Early Career Development Course Task Force

This task force plans the full-day Early Career Development Course held each fall at the ACRM Annual Conference. Last year, the course focused on grantsmanship, with particular emphasis on career development and pilot /small project funding mechanisms. Contact Stephanie Kolakowsky-Hayner to learn more and get involved.


Communications Task Force

This task force gathers important announcements and information relevant to career development in the rehabilitation field and disseminates them through social media, eblasts, ACRM newsletters and the website. This includes information on grant resources and grant writing, job interviewing tips, work/ life balance, tips for promotion and tenure, getting started with research, initiating collaborations, finding good mentors and more. This task force also develops communications to help promote the ECNG and recruit members. Contact Dawn Neumann to join today!


Physicians Task Force

The mission of the ECNG Physicians Task Force is to cultivate collaboration among multiple rehabilitation medicine disciplines with a focus on improving the implementation of research, knowledge translation, and program development. Contact Brad Kurowski to learn more.


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