NEW Opportunities for Early Career
2019 ACRM Annual Conference Proposal Submissions
The ACRM 2019 Annual Conference submission system is now open. NEW this year are two opportunities for Early Career individuals during submission:
- There is a box to check to identify yourself as an Early Career author.
- There is a box to check if the submission is a topic of particular interest to Early Career individuals.
The Early Career Networking Group is going to utilize these self-identifiers to help market and spread the word about relevant Early Career topics prior to and during the 2019 conference, so be sure to select these boxes as you submit!
See the Call for Proposals and submission guidelines here and submit today!
ACRM Award Opportunities
The ACRM Awards Committee is now accepting nominations. What an amazing opportunity to nominate a colleague or even yourself for an award that will be presented during our ACRM Annual Conference.
The Deborah L. Wilkerson Early Career Award, supported by CARF International, is an award that recognizes an ACRM early career member who is within 5 years of completing their training. This award winner will be chosen based on their significant contributions to rehabilitation research in the same enthusiastic spirit as Deborah Wilkerson.
- The candidate must be an ACRM member in good standing.
- The candidate does not need to be the senior author on all papers submitted as part of the nomination, but must be the senior author on at least one of the papers submitted.
- Nominations are due 1 February
- Self-nominations are permitted.
Learn More >>
Learn about other ACRM Awards here. Nominations for all other ACRM 2019 Awards are due 13 February.