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GET INVOLVED! ECNG Task Force Information

New members are welcome and encouraged to join us no matter what career stage you are!  Find a task force you are interested in and contact the Task Force Chair. 

The mission of the Early Career Networking Group (ECNG) is to foster the development and advancement of early career professionals in the field of rehabilitation. Our supportive network of peers provides the necessary resources and networking opportunities to promote successful career growth for rehabilitation researchers and clinicians.

Early Career Development Course Task Force

A warm invitation is sent to our Early Career Members & Mid-Career Members with an opportunity to build your CV by joining the Early Career Development Course Task Force and actively participating in the planning of the 2019 Early Career Development Course Program (CME/CEU qualifying). Please contact Terri Compos if you are interested in attending our monthly teleconference meetings.

Early Career Communications Task Force

This task force gathers and disseminates important information relevant to career development in the rehabilitation field. Our main product is the ECNG newsletter. Our members volunteer to be in charge of certain sections of the newsletter. We are always looking for new and active members.

The following are sections of the newsletter that you can contribute to (and will get recognition for in our newsletter!):

  • ACRM Conference updates
  • ECNG updates
  • ACRM ISIG and NG updates
  • Ask the Mentor Column (collaborative efforts between Mentoring and Communication TFs)
  • Research Spotlight on ACRM members – be in the Spotlight or help find colleagues to be in the Spotlight!
  • Original articles written by our members on early career development topics – write your own article and boost your CV – yes you can include these articles as non-peer reviewed articles in your CV! These articles also often get included in ACRM’s Rehabilitation Outlook newsletter.
  • Career Development Resources – Search the web and find links to important resources to share in our newsletter. We are always looking for great resources for the following career development categories: Grants; Jobs / Promotion; Mentoring; Leadership; Work-life balance; and Clinician Corner; Conference Tips (see below link on This Quarter’s Career Development Resources.

The time commitment is relatively small but hugely rewarding! We hold 1-hour conference calls on a quarterly basis, but many of our members contribute through email exchanges.

The ECNG Communications Task Force Chair-elect position is open—stay tuned for information about nominations. Please email the Task Force Chair, Dr. Ekaterina Dobryakova, if you are interested in joining.

Mentoring Task Force

The mission of this task force is to facilitate the development of mentoring relationships among rehabilitation professionals at varying stages in their career development through research, educational, and clinical collaborative opportunities. One of our current projects is to get questions and answers for the Ask the Mentor column, which is published in the ECNG Quarterly E-newsletter. Check out this month’s column! We will be focusing on a variety of common early career issues and concerns. So, if you need some advice, please submit your questions to the Task Force Chair, Dr. Megan Mitchell, and we will get those questions answered! Also, if you are interested in joining our TF or becoming a mentor for the column, please contact our Mentoring Task Force Chair, Dr. Megan Mitchell.

Early Career Leadership Opportunity

The Geriatric Rehabilitation Networking Group has an open position for an Early Career Officer. If you are interested in the position for an Early Career Officer, please contact Dr. Emily Nalder.



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