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Brooks Wingo

Brooks Wingo

Dear ECNG Members,

I am very excited to be taking on the role of Chair of the Early Career Networking Group.  Over the last three years I have worked to build the ECNG Mentoring Task Force, and I am proud to see all we have been able to accomplish in that time.  I have worked with a number of great people during this process, within both the ECNG and the larger ACRM membership, and I am continually amazed at how supportive ACRM is of our efforts to help early career scientists and clinician grow their careers.

I look forward to continuing to work closely with Megan as I transition into the role of Chair of the ECNG.  She has been invaluable in helping me understand the larger workings of ACRM, and I am very grateful for her help, as well as her commitment to ACRM.  My goals for the next few years are to continue to grow our focus on mentoring by furthering our linkages with other ACRM communities, as well as continue the amazing growth we have seen within the Early Career Development Course at the annual conference.

I look forward to working with all of you. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or ideas.


Brooks Wingo, PhD
Chair, ACRM Early Career Networking Group
University of Alabama at Birmingham

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