The Early Career Development Course (ECDC) Task Force recently filled our Chair-Elect position. I am excited to introduce our new Chair-Elect, Reza Ehsanian, MD, PhD. During the 2016-2017 year, he will work with the current chair of the ECDC, Monique Pappadis, MEd, PhD, and the other ECDC planning committee members to help plan the 2017 course in Atlanta, Georgia. He will assume his new role as Chair at the close of the 2017 ECDC and then serve a 2-year term. We are excited to welcome Dr. Ehsanian to the ECDC family!
Reza Ehsanian, MD, PhD is a physician-scientist whose academic interests include the translation of basic science to clinical practice to ultimately improve outcomes for individuals with SCI, TBI and chronic pain. He is the Health Care Program Manager at the Rehabilitation Research Center in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center and a Post-Doctoral Fellow in the Department of Neurosurgery at Stanford University.
Dr. Ehsanian’s research focus includes implementing neural cells, known as oligodendrocyte progenitor cells, which are produced from human embryonic stem cells to promote repair of damaged spinal cord tissue (NCT02302157); rTMS to restore function after severe TBI (NCT02366754); and the development of regenerative medicine techniques for pain management.
Dr. Ehsanian has led multi-center, multi-discipline research projects as a scientist at NASA Ames Research Center prior to his medical training at Stanford University, doctoral training at Oxford University, Christ Church College and Howard Hughes Medical Fellowship at National Institutes of Health where he developed his research interest in translational medicine. He has authored a book chapter, published peer-reviewed journal articles, presented nationally and internationally; he co-founded South Bay Vestibular Support Group (501(c)(3)), whose mission is to provide a ground- and internet-based forum to educate, support and provide rehabilitation resources.