A Message from the ECNG Chair, Brooks Wingo
![Brooks Wingo](https://acrm.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Brooks_Wingo_125x126.jpg)
Brooks Wingo, PhD Chair, Early Career Networking Group
It’s hard to believe that fall is just around the corner, but that means the ACRM 2018 Annual Conference will also be here soon! The conference is a great way for early career members of ACRM to hear the latest research advances, build your professional network, and find ways to become more involved with ACRM.
Our Early Career Development Course will be held on Sunday, September 30, 2018. The theme of this year’s course is Pearls, Possibilities, and Pitfalls: Writing Successful Grants and Manuscript Submissions. Writing is a crucial skill for building a successful research career, and this year’s course will provide attendees with invaluable keys to success from a world-class faculty.
The Annual Conference is also a great way to build your presentation skills and disseminate your research. This year we have over 75 early career presenters, spanning all program tracks, including symposia highlighting the early career members of the Neurodegenerative Networking Group and Complementary Integrative Rehabilitation Medicine Networking Group. There will also be symposia highlighting early career investigators sponsored by the Center for Large Data Research and Data Sharing in Rehabilitation, and presentations from NIDILRR ARRT fellows. Here’s just a sample of the content relevant to Early Career attendees >>
The conference is always a great way to build your professional network and become more involved with ACRM community groups. Make sure to join us for the Early Career and First Time Attendee Welcome on Sunday, September 30 at 3:00 pm. All ACRM community groups will be represented at the reception and it’s a great time to learn more about groups and the many ways to get involved with ACRM.
Finally, make plans to attend the Early Career Networking Group information meeting on Tuesday, October 2 at 3:30 pm. This informational meeting is open to all conference attendees and is a great way to learn more about all the ways to get involved with the ECNG.
Can’t wait to see you in Dallas!