Are you looking to get more involved in the field of rehabilitation? Are you looking to build your resume or fulfill your service requirements for tenure? Or are you ready to network with some of the top professionals in the field? The Early Career Networking Group (ECNG) has two positions available that could help you achieve any of these goals!!! Involvement in these positions, especially in the early stages of your career, can provide you with important skills, connections and personal growth.
Open ECNG Executive Positions
ECNG Chair-Elect
The primary role of the ECNG Chair-elect is to assist the ECNG Chair when necessary and to become familiar with the structure, policies, procedures and vision of ACRM. The Chair-elect serves as the point of contact for the Early Career liaisons within the other ACRM ISIGs and NGs, and should join one of the TFs within the ECNG. Also, at the end of the term, the Chair-Elect will become Chair. Term length is currently 2 years, but there is discussion of possibly reducing terms to 1 year. For more information about this position, please contact Megan Mitchell.
ECNG Early Career Development Course Task Force Chair-Elect
The Chair-Elect of the ECDC Task Force provides support and assists the ECDC Chair with course development efforts, in concert with the other task forces members. The Chair-Elect position is essentially a training period to learn all of the details needed to develop and execute the Course, and how to successfully lead the task force as the ECDC Chair the following term. The ECDC Chair-Elect is expected to participate in monthly planning conference calls and to attend the Annual ACRM Conference and ECDC. This is the longest standing Early Career Task Force and always has plenty of active members. For more information please contact Monique Pappadis.