Research Presentations by R13 NCCIH Fellows

Judge: David Shurtleff

Judge: Helen Lavretsky
The CIRM-NG has been awarded an R13 by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH), (Project Title: Evidence-based complementary integrative medicine: Cultivating diversity in research and clinical practice). This R13 supported a scientific workshop and conference participation at the ACRM 2021 VIRTUAL Annual Conference for early career scientists from underrepresented minority backgrounds with an interest in CIRM.
As part of this NCCIH supported fellowship, NCCIH R13 Fellows present their research. During the time, a best research competition was held, judged by David Shurtleff, PhD, Deputy Director of NCCIH and Dr. Helen Lavretsky, MD Semel Scholar in Integrative Mental Health and a Professor of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences.
Congratulations to winners of the Best Research Award:

FIRST PLACE: Hsiao-ju Cheng

SECOND PLACE: Bijoyaa Mohapatra

THIRD PLACE: Ted Kheng Siang Ng