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Introducing the CIRM-NG Newsletter


We are very excited to launch the first issue of the ACRM Complementary, Integrative Rehabilitation Medicine Networking Group (CIRM-NG) newsletter, which is a platform to promote communication and to share information related to complementary and integrative medicine and therapies (CIRM) among networking group members.

The newsletter focuses on featured researchers, clinicians and/or consumers, latest events and activities in the CIRM Networking Group, member achievements, and updated progress in the CIRM research and clinical practice.

In this issue, we focus on the CIRM Networking Group’s activities in the ACRM 2021 Annual Conference.

As the communication officer in the CIRM Networking Group, I am really thrilled to share this semi-annual electronic newsletter with you, and hope you can share it with your colleagues and friends who are interested in integrative medicine and therapies.

We certainly welcome your feedback and suggestions that will benefit our future issues.


Howe Liu imageHowe Liu, PT, PhD
Communications Officer, ACRM CIRM Networking Group
University of North Texas Health Science Center

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