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CIRM Symposia


The Complementary, Integrative Rehabilitation Medicine focus area was well represented by symposia presenters at the ACRM 2021 VIRTUAL Annual Conference. Here are some highlights:


The Neural Basis of the Brain-Body Connection


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Dr. David J. Levinthal has discussed role of cortical motor areas in the control of autonomic  output, particularly the frontal lobe contributions to the control of autonomic output.


Complementary and Alternative Therapies In Neurorehabilitation: Principles, Basic Mechanisms, Clinical Selection, and Evidence


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Dr. Yasser Salem and Dr. Howe Liu presented commonly used complementary and alternative therapies in neurorehabilitation, and discussed the basic principles, mechanism, and clinical selections of these therapies.


Attitudes Toward Integrative Health Practices Among Rehabilitation Professionals: A Research and Clinical Practice Survey


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In this symposium presentation, Dr. Ariana Vora represented the group and presented their survey study results, including perception and limitations of rehab professionals utilizing and approaching integrative health, as well as the potential barriers to generating empirical research evaluating the efficacy of Integrative health approaches.



Capnography-Assisted Learned, Monitored (CALM) Breathing Therapy for COPD


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Dr. Anna Migliore Norweg discussed her R34-funded study in which they designed a high priority, novel mind-body intervention called Capnography-Assisted Learned, Monitored (CALM) Breathing, to promotes slow, efficient breathing mechanics, interoceptive function, and dyspnea self-efficacy to relieve dyspnea and anxiety. She discussed breathing psychophysiology principles, impact of interoception and perceptual dysregulation on mental health, and the core components of CALM Breathing, a new mind-body intervention.


Proprioceptive Mechanisms Underlying Post-Spinal Manipulation Response in an NGF-Induced low Back Pain Model


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Dr. Bill R. Reed, DC, PhD, summarized his decade of research in this 75-minutue talk. He discussed the anatomy and function, particularly the proprioception function  of muscle spindle afferents,  impact of high velocity low amplitude (HVLA) spinal manipulation on biomechanical characteristics of muscle spindles, alteration of muscle spindle discharges by spinal segmental dysfunction during spinal manipulation, and influence of muscular pain on muscle spindle response to stretch and spinal manipulation.


Treatment development of Yoga for Anger Management in Incarcerated Adults


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Dr. Lauren M. Weinstock discussed key terms and trends related to mass incarceration in the United States, factors contributing to the disproportionate mental health burden among incarcerated and recently incarcerated individuals, the rationale and design of the Healthy Body, Healthy Mind research study, and the goals and outcomes most appropriate for an R34-funded pilot trial.


The use of mind-body therapies for treatment and prevention of late life mood and cognitive disorders


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Dr. Helen Lavretsky introduced and discussed the use of mind-body therapies for treating and preventing late-life mood and cognitive disorders, and neurobiological mechanisms of treatment response.


Complementary and Integrative Rehabilitation Health Practices for Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury: A Scoping Review


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In this symposium, Dr. Karla L. Thompson and the team described key components, advantages, and limitations of a scoping review, and common complementary and integrative health practices and their potential applications in rehabilitation medicine. They also discussed the evidence-based efficacy of different specific complementary and integrative interventions for the rehabilitation of individuals with a history of traumatic brain injury (TBI) as well as gaps in the literature and future directions for research regarding complementary and integrative health practices for the treatment of TBI.


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16 DEC: Instructional Course proposals
23 DEC: Symposia proposals
9 FEB: Scientific Papers & Posters


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