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CIRM-NG Task Force Updates


Evidence-Based Guidelines Task Force

Completed a large scoping review on integrative health and traumatic brain injury. Kim, S., Mortera, M., Wen, P., et al.  The Impact of Complementary and Integrative Medicine following Traumatic Brain Injury: A Scoping Review (manuscript under review)


Knowledge Translation Task Force

Published Kim, S., Capo-Lugo, C., Reed, W.R., et al.  (2020). Using a Survey to Characterize Rehabilitation Professionals’ Perceptions and Use of Complementary, Integrative and Alternative Medicine. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. Aug;26(8):663-665. PMID32302490. 


Disability Representation Task Force

CIRM-NG Co-Chair, Dr. Sonya Kim, represented this task force at the ACRM 2021 Spring Meeting, Sharing Our Experience in Enabling Leadership in a Diverse Rehabilitation Community.