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What’s New In Neuroscience News

What’s New In Neuroscience News

In today’s ACRM blog, we’ll be looking at a few studies that have been published this summer and giving you the highlights of what’s new in neuroscience news. One of our goals is to help facilitate conversations surrounding rehabilitation research. We want to support...
What Stress Does To The Brain

What Stress Does To The Brain

ACRM is committed to keeping on top of the latest news in rehabilitation research and sharing our knowledge with our community of doctors, nurses, and other interdisciplinary members of rehabilitation teams across the world. Following our blog is a great way to find...
HIV Pain Management

HIV Pain Management

1.1 million people in the U.S. are living with HIV today and around 15 percent of them — 1 in 7 — are unaware that they are affected. Chronic pain affects around 40 – 85 percent of those with the condition. As an association created to improve the lives of...
Healing After Brain Injury: What Rehabilitation Research Indicates

Healing After Brain Injury: What Rehabilitation Research Indicates

Recovery from any injury is difficult — but recovery from a brain injury can be long, arduous, and never complete. We don’t say this to be pessimistic or downplay the role of rehabilitation research; we say this to emphasize the role of rehabilitation research! As a...
Geriatric Rehabilitation: June Is National Safety Month

Geriatric Rehabilitation: June Is National Safety Month

Geriatric rehabilitation is a difficult yet rewarding aspect of rehabilitation research. Whether you’re pursuing rehabilitation research in this subject matter as part of medical networking continuing ed, or simply to better understand and help your aging family...
The Facts Of Stroke And Post-Stroke Rehabilitation

The Facts Of Stroke And Post-Stroke Rehabilitation

As a professional in the medical and care industries, you most likely have been exposed often to stroke patients. As a hospital administrator, care provider, physical therapist, or in any other role, you’ve seen first-hand what rehabilitation research can do for your...
3 Types Of Cancer Rehabilitation

3 Types Of Cancer Rehabilitation

Cancer inevitably takes a toll on individuals and families, although the financial, emotional, and physical stress of it can vary. As a medical professional — doctor, nurse, researcher, caregiver, hospital administrator, clinician, etc. — you’ve seen firsthand how...
What To Expect At The 2019 ACRM Spring Meeting

What To Expect At The 2019 ACRM Spring Meeting

Here at ACRM, there are two events we look forward to every year: the Spring Meeting and the Annual Conference in the fall. The 2019 ACRM Spring Meeting is almost here, and we can’t wait to see all of you April 11–14. This event is one of the highlights of the year...
Why You Should Attend The 2019 Spring Meeting

Why You Should Attend The 2019 Spring Meeting

The ACRM Spring Meeting is quickly approaching — it’s April 11–14 this year — and it will be a wonderful opportunity to share your rehabilitation research while networking with others. However, those aren’t the only reasons to attend the Spring Meeting! In today’s...
Everything You Need To Know About The 2019 Spring Meeting

Everything You Need To Know About The 2019 Spring Meeting

Here at ACRM — the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine — we’re committed to providing opportunities for medical networking and sharing rehabilitation research. From our Annual Conference to the Spring Meeting, we love creating events for members to do just...

How You Can Get More Involved In The Field Of Pain Rehabilitation

As you become an expert in your industry, you’ll need to build a network. Medical networking can sometimes seem like a looming task; discussing rehabilitation research with your coworkers, for example, is good — but it’s not enough. Without much direction, you may not...
6 Ways To Bring The Arts Into Rehabilitation

6 Ways To Bring The Arts Into Rehabilitation

As a medical professional, you’re well aware of the many ways that art and neuroscience overlap and support each other. Perhaps you’ve even done rehabilitation research on the role of art in recovery and how it can help. We want to hear it. Here at the American...
The Latest We Know About Brain Rehabilitation

The Latest We Know About Brain Rehabilitation

There are so many different accidents that can cause a patient’s brain injury, but there’s only one thing to do for recovery: brain rehabilitation. Whether your patient needs traumatic brain injury rehabilitation or a less complicated rehabilitation method, you’re...
The Role Of Robotics In Pediatric Rehabilitation

The Role Of Robotics In Pediatric Rehabilitation

There’s a lot of fear out there about robots and AI taking over jobs. How much research have you put into how robots could strengthen and improve your job, though? When it comes to pediatric rehabilitation, you’re in luck. Robots and AI contributing to injury...
5 Ways To Help Keep The Mind Strong

5 Ways To Help Keep The Mind Strong

There are many aspects of life and health we take for granted when we’re young, such as fast metabolism, strong muscles, or quick recoveries. A strong, healthy mind, however, isn’t one of them. From a young age, you can memorize information and easily use it later on,...
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