Cancer Rehab Update – Winter 2016
Dear Colleagues,
At the ACRM Annual Conference in 2015, we held our second annual business meeting. This was an opportunity to share with our members the tremendous growth and exciting progress that the CRNG has made with their support.
Here are a few fast facts:
Our group has grown to include more than 300 interdisciplinary members.
Our goal was to have at least 30 people attend the business meeting in Dallas, and we far exceeded that and had approximately 100 of our members come to the meeting!
There were 37 cancer rehabilitation posters presented and this was 11% of the total at the conference.
Preparing to present the inaugural Cancer Rehabilitation Awards
For the first time ever, the CRNG had two continuous tracks of cancer rehabilitation CME/CEU content.
- Also, for the first time ever in cancer rehabilitation history, the CRNG offered three national/international awards (more about this below).
We now have five task forces, including a new task force in Integrative Cancer Rehabilitation.
- CRNG members are spearheading two cancer rehabilitation columns that appear regularly in important oncology publications—Conquer (this is a publication that nurse navigators give to survivors and is supported by the Academy of Nurse and Patient Navigators) and ASCO Post (published by the American Society of Clinical Oncology and is largely for oncologists and oncology colleagues).
300+ Members
37 Cancer Rehabilitation Posters
5 Task Forces
3 New Cancer Rehabilitation Awards
2 Nonstop Educational Conference Tracks
2 New Columns in Oncology Publications
1 Website
1 Newsletter
We are delighted to announce the winners for the first ever cancer rehabilitation national/international awards that celebrate excellence in this important field of medicine. The CRNG is leading the way in recognizing colleagues for their important contributions to advancing the field of cancer rehabilitation!
These awards also begin a historical legacy that demonstrates a clear message by the ACRM to its members and beyond that this field of medicine is extremely important and should be valued and recognized. The 2015 award winners are:
- Excellence in Cancer Rehabilitation—Andrea Cheville
- Best Scientific Poster in Cancer Rehabilitation—Katarzyna Hojan
- New Investigator Poster Award in Cancer Rehabilitation—Arash Asher
We’re already working on the Annual Conference for 2016 and will have more exciting news and award recipients. Please join our group—we welcome you and hope to see you in Chicago in 2016!
With Warm Regards,
Julie Silver, MD
Vish Raj, MD