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We have a double-symposia that was accepted for presentation at this year’s ACRM Annual Conference on Wednesday, 2 November. The title is, Cognitive Complaints in Cancer Patients:  Understanding the Problem and Clinical Applications #153.  We will have a diverse, multidisciplinary all-star panel delivering this talk, including Patricia Ganz from UCLA (oncologist with extensive expertise in cancer survivorship), Sunita Patel (neuro-psychologist from City of Hope), Kathleen Van Dyk (neuropsychology fellow from UCLA), Mary Radomski (research scientist from Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute Research Center), and Robin Newman (occupational therapist from Boston University).  Lynne Padgett will be the moderator of this talk.

We also worked on a Letter to the Editor for an article about cognitive dysfunction among patients with cancer that will be signed as coming from the Cognitive Task Force.

Finally, we are busy working on our educational piece.  This overview will be intended for patients to discuss with their physicians on a pragmatic approach to cognitive symptoms after cancer treatment.

Please contact the task force chairs for further information:

Arash Asher


Arash Asher, MD
Director, Cancer Rehabilitation & Survivorship
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
West Hollywood, CA

Lynne Padgett


Lynne S. Padgett, PhD
Strategic Director, Hospital Systems
American Cancer Society

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