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We would like to update members of ACRM CRNG on the activities of the Integrative Cancer Rehabilitation Task Force, which was first introduced to the group via this newsletter in the fall of 2015. Our task force will be presenting a symposium at the ACRM 93rd Annual Conference on 4 November called, Integrative Cancer Rehabilitation: New Research and Best Practices #112. This topic is timely since a wide variety of health care systems and practices outside the scope of conventional medicine are actively utilized by millions of Americans, including the majority of individuals facing a cancer diagnosis.

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This symposium reviews the current evidence base for integrative cancer rehabilitation, including an overview of the breadth and scope of common treatments such as Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, mind-body practices, guided imagery, motivational interviewing, consciously-regulated breathing, drug-herb interactions, and regulatory issues. The discussion will emphasize an interdisciplinary integrative approach to conditions such as pain, sleep dysfunction and stress that are common both in cancer rehabilitation and other areas of rehabilitation.

We are actively recruiting members to the task force. If you have training or expertise in integrative cancer rehabilitation please reach out to us. We look forward to seeing you at the conference.

Please contact the task force chairs for further information:

Ariana Vora


Ariana Vora, MD
Instructor, Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Harvard Medical School
Spaulding Rehabilitation Network
Boston, MA


Diane Radford


Diane Radford, MD
Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland, OH

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