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Mentor-Match Program

The inaugural BI-ISIG Mentoring Program, in collaboration with the Career Development Networking Group (formerly Early Career Networking Group), took place in 2020.  Participating Mentors and Mentees recently received evaluation surveys, and we are planning a second round of matching Mentors and Mentees this Spring. Stay tuned for more to come soon!

Post-Doctoral Match Program

In early 2021, we kicked off a pilot of the BI-ISIG post-doctoral match program.  We surveyed BI-ISIG members who either had post-doctoral positions in brain injury research available or who were trainees seeking post-doctoral research positions. We then shared information about our impressive trainee members and about the available post-doctoral positions with everyone in the BI-ISIG. Overall, there was great enthusiasm for this program, and we have learned a lot to continue to make it better moving forward. We anticipate surveying our members periodically to update our list of available positions and qualified trainees.  Come to the BI-ISIG Summit at the ACRM Annual Conference for an update on the success of this pilot program!

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