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Kristine Kingsley, PsyD, ABPP

Dear Moving Ahead Readers:

In my editorial farewell, I would like to first and foremost mention what a distinct pleasure it has been for me to serve as the Editor of Moving Ahead and the Communications Officer to our Special Interest Group (SIG).

Since its inception, the BI-ISIG has always attracted dynamic, dedicated and compassionate members within the field of brain injury and research, service delivery and public policy. Since assuming editorial responsibilities, my vision was not only to become a conduit of information, but to serve and showcase our members’ special interests, accomplishments, as well as their reflections on their personal journeys and the world of rehabilitation. Over the years, I have thoroughly enjoyed reading the tens of story submissions. Additionally, I have been proud to interview a number of early career and more seasoned colleagues and to encourage them to share their thoughts on illness and disability beyond diagnoses, specialties, settings and even borders. As the Communications Chair, I enjoyed promoting and supporting projects introduced by the Executive Committee, and worked hard bolstering the overall mission of our SIG.

I would like to thank several people, for without them I should have utterly failed. Lance Trexler and Donna Langenbahn, who encouraged me to apply for the position, and have guided and supported me in my early steps. The distinguished members of the EC with whom I served since late 2014. I would also like to thank a true gem of a professional collaborator Terri Compos, the tireless Cindy Robinson and the gifted Signy Roberts; without them the newsletter would be just a series of shapeless texts. Your input has allowed me to grow tremendously and to allow me to pursue over positions within this and other organizations.

Lastly, I am fully satisfied to see the role taken by someone who I believe is genuinely interested in showcasing BI-ISIG to the World. Monique Renae Pappadis, is not only a brilliant professional, but for several years now has invested countless of hours of personal time and effort, to help others within our community actualize their goals. I wish her all the very best.

Au revoir!

Kristine T. Kingsley, PsyD, ABPP
Past Editor, Moving Ahead

Great is the art of beginning, but greater the art is of ending; Many a poem is marred by a superfluous verse.—HENRY WADSWORTH LONGFELLOW

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