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Here at ACRM, there are two events we look forward to every year: the Spring Meeting and the Annual Conference in the fall.

The 2019 ACRM Spring Meeting is almost here, and we can’t wait to see all of you April 11–14. This event is one of the highlights of the year for us, as we delve into rehabilitation research from medical professionals the world over and hear everything you’ve learned in the past year (or longer) during your research.

In today’s blog, we’re going to cover six things you can expect at the Spring Meeting in Chicago next month. If you haven’t registered yet, then hurry! The Early Bird Rates expire on March 15, though you can still get a cost-effective registration past this date.

Medical Networking

Networking is one of ACRM’s primary focuses, and we’re widely known for our medical networking. When you attend the Spring Meeting, you’ll create useful connections that can benefit you and your career both now and years down the road. For all you know, your next job or research project could be with someone you first meet at our Spring Meeting.

CE For Nurses

At our Spring Meeting, you’ll have the opportunity to earn up to 20 hours of CME/CEUs in all 11 of our disciplines. In the field of rehabilitation, there is always more to learn and accomplish — and you can now get education credits for that learning.

Specialized, Professional Training

All 11 of our disciplines will have unique, educational presentations involving rehabilitation research and recent advancements in the field — advancements you can take and put into practice. There will be more than 80 esteemed presenters this year, which adds up to a combined total of more than 1,200 years of experience with rehabilitation research and medicine.

Meetings With Your ISIG

Have you joined an Interdisciplinary Special Interest Group (ISIG) during your time with ACRM yet? If not, you should! Our ISIGs, along with our networking groups, will allow you to network and grow within your specific focus of rehabilitation research. This year’s Spring Meeting has community group meetings on Thursday, Friday morning and night, Saturday morning and night, and Sunday morning.

Cutting-Edge, Relevant Rehabilitation Research

There’s a reason we keep our Spring Meeting ridiculously inexpensive: we believe in getting all of the rehabilitation research into practice as soon as possible. By having a low cost for attendance, it increases the likelihood of this research benefiting people sooner.

A Fun, Educational Visit To Chicago

There’s no denying that you’ll be busy during our Spring Meeting — there is just so much to learn and see! But that doesn’t mean you can’t tack a day or two on to the beginning or end of your trip to see Chicago. But, with how much fun the Spring Meeting is, you’ll love coming regardless — we think the Spring Meeting will be a highlight of your year.

Register For The 2019 Spring Meeting Today

What are you waiting for? We can’t wait to hear your experience with rehabilitation research and to provide you with the opportunity to learn from and network with other professionals. Register today!

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