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Pain Networking Group Explainer Vid

Featuring interview with ACRM Pain Networking Group Chair: LaDonna Saxon, PhD; Department of Veterans Affairs, Mental Health, Dallas, TX

LaDonna Saxon, PhD; Department of Veterans Affairs, Mental Health, Dallas, TX

Sure — I’m a part of the Pain Networking Group  and the group exists to bring together clinicians across all disciplines as well as researchers across all disciplines who are really invested in improving the lives of people who have chronic pain and one of the things that so important is we often don’t conceptualize the impact of pain in pediatrics and geriatrics. We often focus a lot on typical younger adults, but it really does span the full age ranges so this brings together clinicians and researchers that span that full range to improve patient outcomes

Interviewer: Can you tell me who are the members of this group and what sort of professional would benefit from this group?

Ladonna Saxon: Sure, so our members vary widely we have people that are still in graduate school people that are looking for their first careers as well as very seasoned professionals so it’s a great place for people to come together to really gain mentorship to gain networking opportunities and to learn from one another

Interviewer: How about a mentoring — Did you have a mentor that got you involved with ACRM and this group?

Ladonna Saxon: Sure, I had colleague within the VA who first introduced me to ACRM but from there Dr Virgil Wittmer passed a leader for the past tier for the particular group was really became my mentor for learning about the group and how it can support the professionals that are really seeking to expand their knowledge by attending ACRM


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