Best Overall Technology Poster Award
This award is given to a researcher who is first author of a poster in the area of technology presented at the ACRM Annual Conference with an innovative study that promotes the ACRM mission to improve lives. In addition, the study promotes the TNG mission to bridge gaps in technology adoption in rehabilitation.
ACRM is pleased to recognize the work of Chanhee Park, et al, with the TNG Best Overall Poster in Technology Award for their poster, Comparative Effectiveness of Robot-interactive Gait Training With and Without Ankle Robotic Control in Patients with Brain Damage. This poster was presented at the ACRM 2021 VIRTUAL Annual Conference.
Best Early Career Poster in Technology Award
This award is given to a researcher in the first 10 years of his or her career, who is first author of a poster in the area of technology presented at the ACRM Annual Conference and judged on its merits across several areas of topic relevance and importance, research methodology, coherence, writing quality, and overall presentation.
ACRM is pleased to recognize the work of Michelle Khan, PhD, et al, with the TNG Best Early Career Poster in Technology Award for their poster, The Relationship Between Movement Kinematics and Muscle Activity in Seated Versus Walking Tests of Upper Limb Associated Reactions. This poster was presented at the ACRM 2021 VIRTUAL Annual Conference.