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 2023 Spring Edition

ACRM Stroke ISIG Task Force Updates

Aphasia & Other Communication Disorders Task Force Updates

  1. We are resubmitting our proposal for a guest-edited Archives supplement on “Topics in Aphasia Rehabilitation” to the Communications Committee in March 2023.
  2. We are hosting a virtual happy hour on March 2nd at 4PM ET. Drs. Wallace and Donoso Brown will be presenting an Introduction to AAC & Aphasia for the Rehabilitation Professional. Please share widely with your colleagues as this talk has an interdisciplinary focus.
  3. We are working on several I/EPs (i.e., AAC and aphasia, cultural/linguistic adaptations in aphasia).
  4. We are hoping to put together at least one symposium for the annual conference (e.g., brain stimulation, discourse assessment/intervention, cognitive rehabilitation in the chronic phase of ABI). Please reach out if you are interested in collaborating with our task force on any of these symposia. Co-chairs Natalie Gilmore, PhD, CCC-SLP, ; Emily Braun, MS, CCC-SLP,
  5. We continue to update our aphasia resource database.  Scroll down to review and share with your colleagues:,Task%20Force,long%2Dterm%20disability%20of%20communication.

Health and Wellness Task Force Updates

  1. Published paper and accepted symposium on stroke recovery during the COVID-19 pandemic:
    1. Burns SP, Fleming TK, Webb SS, Kam ASH, Fielder JD, Kim GJ, Hu X, Hill MT, Kringle EA. Stroke recovery during the COVID-19 pandemic: A position paper on recommendations for rehabilitation. Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 2022:103(9), 1874-1882.
  2. Work group is engaged in a systematic review examining the effects of dyad-focused interventions on health-related quality of life among people with stroke and their support persons

Movement Intervention Task Force Updates 

  1. Met regularly 
  2. 3 journal clubs and 1 guest speaker at regular meetings
  3. Submitted and had 3 symposia accepted for ACRM conference
  4. Submitted one article or IEP for publication
  5. Planned to host one Virtual Happy Hour
  6. Supported the development of collaboration within the task force
  7. We will be having journal clubs; the March meeting will be – Gait training and the May meeting will be – Adherence in UE limb rehab.

Vision Task Force Updates

  1. We have a new IEP that is under review called: Sighted-Guide Technique: A Micro-Review of Current Guidelines 
  2. Met regularly
  3. Finished collecting data for our multi-site study
  4. Submitted a paper on our multi-site study findings, however needs to be revamped and resubmitted
  5. Submitted one poster presentation to ACRM 2022 conference (on the multi-site study final findings)

Pediatric Stroke Task Force Updates

  1. We had a manuscript accepted for publication in the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation as an Information Education Page. The title is “Returning to School Following Pediatric Stroke”.
  2. Submitted 2 Information Education Pages (Selecting UE Rehab Models, Return to School) for a total of 4 under review. 
  3. Identified 2 areas of study (components of UE intensive programs, cognitive factors of UE intensive programs) for possible multisite collaborations.