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ACRM Spinal Cord Injury ISIG Secondary Complications and Aging Task Force

Secondary Complications & Aging Task Force



To promote healthy aging among people with SCI and assist the prevention and management of secondary complications of SCI through education, research, and policy.


To promote healthy aging among people with SCI and assist the prevention and management of secondary complications of SCI through education, research, and policy.


  1. Contribute to the conduct of high-quality research about (1) the epidemiology, prevention, and treatment of secondary complications post-SCI and (2) aging with SCI.
  2. Facilitate inter-disciplinary and inter-organizational collaboration among clinicians, researchers, and consumers interested in aging with SCI and secondary complications of SCI
  3. Support the creation and dissemination of educational materials for clinicians and consumers about aging with SCI and secondary complications of SCI


Check out our current projects and recently developed products below and reach out to the co-chairs to learn more about the task force and contributing to its activities. Clinicians, researchers, and consumers are all welcome.

2021 GOALS

  • Develop programing for the ACRM 2021 Annual Conference

  • Create Archives of PM&R Information & Education Pages (IEPs) targeting the needs of the population

  • Engage members in various areas of secondary complications and aging

  • Develop webinars on new topics of interest

  • Develop a social media platform to connect with a larger audience


Swati Mehta, MA, PhD

Swati Mehta, MA, PhD


Lawson Health Research Institute

Jia Li, PhD

Jia Li, PhD


Post-doctoral Fellow, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
University of Alabama at Birmingham

2024 – 2025 Goals:

  • Grow task force membership
  • Develop webinars on new topics of interest
  • Publish special I/E communication paper
  • Develop programming for the ACRM 2025 Annual Conference



  • Webinar: CORTREE: Online community-based education programs for managing aging with secondary complications
  • Contributed to the development of programming at ACRM meeting


2024 GOALS

    1.  Grow task force membership
    2. Publish special I/E communication paper
    3. Develop programing for the ACRM 2024 Annual Conference
    4. Develop webinars on new topics of interest


How to get Involved

Potential projects:

  1. Aging and mental health post SCI
  2. Diet and secondary complications post SCI
  3. Managing UTIs post SCI
  4. Welcome to more ideas!

Join Us!

Email Co-Chairs:
Swati Mehta, PhD
Jia Li, PhD