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RTS History Task Force



Mission and Goals

  1. Develop a list of materials that need to be preserved
  2. Develop a format for the ‘table’ of contents for the archive, allowing future historians to quickly find materials of interest
  3. Collect materials from own files and those of other Networking group members
  4. Preserve these materials in a user-friendly format at an electronic location accessible to Networking group members, and others with proper Exec Comm permission
  5. Develop a mechanism to maintain the archive in the future – e.g. a permanent taskforce, or an official ‘Historian’


Marcel P. Dijkers, PhD, FACRM

Marcel P. Dijkers, PhD, FACRM


Professor, PM&R
Wayn State University
Berkley, Michigan

Current Projects

COMING SOON …Contact Dr. Dijkers to learn more and get involved!

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