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Clinical Implementation Task Force



The mission of Clinical Implementation task force is to promote evidence-based practice based on the state-of-the-art knowledge of neuroplasticity for rehabilitation and advocate for neuroplasticity-guided interventions in clinical practice.

Objectives and Goals:

  • Define the neuroplasticity-guided interventions
  • Describe contemporary hardware and software systems used to apply neuroplasticity-guided interventions
  • Disseminate objective evidence-based information on the use of interventions based on neuroplasticity in rehabilitation medicine
  • Develop guidelines for clinical practice of neuroplasticiy-guided intervnetions based on scientific principles/knowledge and empirical evidence
  • Engage and collaborate with other ACRM communities to promote the safety and usefulness of neuroplasticity-guided interventions



Hsiao-ju (Rita) CHENG, PhD

Hsiao-ju (Rita) CHENG, PhD


Postdoctoral Researcher
Singapore-ETH Centre

Current Projects:

  • Write an Information/ Education Page (I/EP) in ACRM Archives
  • Work with us on symposia submissions for presentation at the ACRM Annual Conference
  • Develop dissemination products from the symposium content
  • Organize webinars
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