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NDNG Webinar Task Force


The vision of the NDNG Webinar Task Force is to reach a global audience with translational research and clinical practice recommendations in order to improve health care outcomes efficiently and equitably. Contact the task force chair to learn more and get involved.



Julie Faieta, MOT, OTR/L

Julie Faieta, MOT, OTR/L


NDNG Webinar Task Force
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Graduate Research Associate, Division of Occupational Therapy
Ohio State University College of Medicine


This task force aims to disseminate current and evidence-based information to a global audience in a manner that is generalizable across clinical, research, and consumer audiences.



Virtual presentations have become widely used and are likely to remain a relevant method of research dissemination in the post COVID research community. Therefore, we are excited to engage task force members in the development and execution of webinars presented through the NDNG. Specifically, members will have the opportunity to develop multimedia advertisement materials (mentorship will be provided as needed) and to serve as webinar hosts. Webinars will occur at least quarterly. Members will have the opportunity to participate at greater or lesser extents depending on their availability and personal needs.

All primary communication for the Webinar Task Force will occur via email, but this format is subject to change depending on the needs of the members (e.g., Zoom meetings are absolutely available on an as needed basis). Participating in this task force is anticipated to be both engaging and educational for students, early career, and experienced scientists and clinicians alike!



  • Dietary Patterns to Slow Cognitive Decline, Elena Phillipou
  • Driving Mr. Parkinson, Hannes Devos
  • Information/education pages describing topics relevant to AD populations
  • Remote Sensors and Monitoring in Neurodegenerative Disease, Erwin van Wegen
  • Expanding the Impact of Your Research, Julie Faieta

Visit the ACRM Library to watch webinars >>

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