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Long-Covid Related Fatigue, Brain Fog, and Mental Health Challenges

Alzheimer’s Disease Task Force (ADTF) members Monika Gross (chair of the ADTF), Noemi Lansang, Dr. Patricia Heyn, and Dr. Julie Faieta led an Information and Education Page along with the other members of the ADTF. The title of this paper is What Do I Need to Know About Long-Covid-related Fatigue, Brain Fog, and Mental Health Changes?. The purpose of this paper is to provide practical information to stakeholders about common long-term effects of COVID-19. If you are interested in joining the Alzheimer’s Disease Task Force, please email Dr. Julie Faieta, PhD.


Behavioral Interventions to Improve Sleep in Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis Task Force members published a paper entitled, Behavioral interventions to improve sleep outcomes in individuals with multiple sclerosis: A systematic review in International Journal of MS Care. The authors found that cognitive behavioral therapy and educational interventions improve sleep outcomes in individuals with multiple sclerosis by age, gender, and education and to compare the derived new cutoffs to an existing cutoff. If you are interested in joining the Multiple Sclerosis Task Force, please email Dr. Silvana Costa.


Cognitive Telerehabilitation for Parkinson’s Disease​

The Parkinson’s and Related Disorders Task Force is working on Appropriate Use Recommendations for Cognitive Telerehabilitation in older adults with Parkinson’s Disease. Through surveys and consensus meetings, the Task Force is developing practical guidelines for implementing cognitive training through telecommunication.