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The Multiple Sclerosis Task Force newsletter highlights researchers in the field of multiple sclerosis (MS), resources relevant for the MS community, and a blog post written by an individual with MS. Please contact the task force chair, Silvana Costa, to submit content suggestions or recommend a colleague you would like us to interview.

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Silvana L. Costa, PhD

Silvana L. Costa, PhD


Research Scientist Neuropsychology of Eye Movements Lab (NEMoLab)
Neuropsychology & Neuroscience Center
Kessler Foundation



Exercise Interventions for Older Adults With Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s Disease Task Force (ADTF) members Dr. Julie Faieta (chair of the ADTF), Dr. Hannes Devos, and Dr. Patricia Heyn led an article along with the other members of the ADTF. The title of this paper is Exercise Interventions for Older Adults With Alzheimer’s Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocol, which was published in Systematic Reviews.  The purpose of this paper is to present the protocol of systematic review and meta-analysis to assess the effects of structured exercise regiments on cognitive function in older adults with AD.


Normative Data of the Modified Fatigue Impact Scale (MFIS)

Multiple Sclerosis Task Force members published a paper entitled, Tired of not Knowing What That Fatigue Score Means? Normative Data of the Modified Fatigue Impact Scale (MFIS), in Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders. The purpose of this study is to develop normative data for the MFIS in a large community sample, stratified by age, gender, and education and to compare the derived new cutoffs to an existing cutoff. If you are interested in joining the Multiple Sclerosis Task Force, please email Dr. Ekaterina Dobryakova.


Quality of Post-Acute Care of Hispanics With Dementia

Neurodegenerative Diseases Networking Group Membership Officer, Dr. Brian Downer and his colleagues published a paper entitled, Quality of Post-Acute Care in Skilled Nursing Facilities That Disproportionately Serve Hispanics With Dementia in the Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the quality of facility-level nursing homes that disproportionately serve newly admitted Medicare Hispanic residents with probable dementia, compared with non-Hispanic whites with probable dementia.


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