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2019 Call for Nominations


The International Networking Group (ING) is now accepting nominations for several positions on the ING Executive Committee. Self-nominations are welcome and encouraged, as are peer nominations of ING members. Please send the candidate’s name, credentials, title, and affiliation, and the officer position for which you wish to nominate the candidate to ING Chair, Fofi Constantinidou.

The ING Nominating Committee will accept nominations through 27 September 2019. The positions available include Chair, Chair-Elect, Secretary, Membership Officer, Communications Officer, and Member-at-Large (2).




  • Holds office for two years, effective at the ACRM Annual Conference
  • The Chair shall be an I-NG member who has shown a special commitment to experience with the focus area of the I-NG and who has an ability to accomplish tasks on schedule and to work effectively with other people. The Chair shall preside at all general and business meetings of the I-NG, confirm project timeliness and assignments, and schedule and conduct additional I-NG meetings as approved. The Chair, with input from the I-NG will develop a mission and goals, devise an action plan and make assignments to meet the goals for the year, and prepare an agenda for I-NG meetings
  • Complete a yearly Vision Cast and attend meeting
  • Attend the Chairs Council monthly meetings


  • Holds office for two years, effective ACRM Annual Conference
  • At the end of his/her term, the Chair-Elect will automatically assume the Chair position for two years at the conclusion of the annual business meeting. This person will serve as the Program Liaison Officer. Responsibilities of this position include attending the monthly Program Committee Meeting, participating in reviewing symposia for the I-NG Programming as well as participating in the determination of the I-NG Award recipients.
  • The Chair-Elect shall act to obtain the greatest possible acquaintanceship with the affairs and membership of the I-NG so as to effectively and efficiently fulfill the office of Chair upon his/her succession. The Chair-Elect will coordinate with the Secretary and National Office to


  • Holds office for two years, effective ACRM Annual Meeting
  • Maintains a correct and permanent record of the meetings and transactions of the International Networking Group
  • Reviews and periodically updates the International Networking Group Rules of Governance

Membership Officer

  • Holds office for two years, effective ACRM Annual Conference
  • The Membership Officer shall act as a liaison between the ACRM National Office and the I-NG regarding membership and provide a report to the membership at the annual I-NG business meeting as applicable
  • Act as a liaison between the ACRM National Office and the I-NG regarding members who have fallen out of good standing of ACRM and may work with the Chair to bring members back into good standing.
  • Oversee that an I-NG membership of 30 or more persons is maintained by the ACRM National Office and that an ongoing campaign is maintained to promote I-NG membership in order to enhance its ability to fulfill its stated objectives. This person will provide full membership report to the membership at the annual I-NG business meeting. In support of these duties, she/he may serve as a I-NG liaison and a member of the ACRM Membership Committee

Communications Officer

  • Holds office for two years, effective ACRM Annual Meeting
  • Assists with I-NG communications via print, electronic, website, and social media
  • Acts as the Editor in Chief of I-NG annual Newsletter
  • Leads and appoints members to the Media and Marketing Committee


Member-at-Large (Two open positions)

  • Holds office for two years, effective ACRM Annual Conference
  • The Member-at-Large position officers will assist with carrying out special projects as assigned and needed by the I-NG.
  • One position will be filled by an Early Career Networking Group member.
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