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ACRM Complementary Integrative Rehabilitation Medicine Networking Group

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Using Mindfulness to Explore the Links Between Trauma, Stories, and Illness 

with Mark Pirtle, PT, DPT
University of Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine Fellowship Program

There is growing understanding of the complex ways in which our life experiences, stress, and trauma interact in the emergence of our health. Using mindfulness and meditation principles practices can support the development of clearer and healthier relationships with ourselves, our health challenges, others, and the world around us. Join us to hear this novel presentation on the intersection of minfulness, narrative medicine, and more.


Upon completion of this webinar, participants will:

  1. Understand and be able to explain the process through which stress and emotion leads to illness
  2. Describe the critical role that attention and awareness play in mindfulness
  3. Combine mindfulness and narrative reframing practices to help their patients and clients recover from stress-related conditions


Dr. Pirtle is a pioneer in integral thinking in stress relief and recovery. He is a clinician, teacher, consultant, writer, public speaker, and filmmaker. His work connects the dots between science, wellness, business, culture, and spirituality. Combining the disciplines of living systems theory, neuroscience, positive psychology, and mindfulness meditation, he developed an evidence-based program for healing stress-related illnesses called SkillfullyAware.

He also created and teaches Mindfully Overcoming Addictive Behaviors 10-week online class for Pirtle’s work emphasizes attunement skills through the use of meditation and mindfulness to empower his clients to work towards a healthier relationship with themselves, others, and the world.

Pirtle produced a full-length documentary film titled, Is Your Story Making you Sick? The film released in the spring of 2019. Dr. Pirtle speaks professionally, consults with businesses and private clients, hosts retreats, teaches online classes, and teaches for the University of Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine Fellowship Program.


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