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11 AUGUST // 12:30 PM ET

Ayurveda’s Role in Rehabilitation



Amita Nathwani, MA Ayur
University of Arizona, Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine

This webinar will take you into the world of Ayurvedic Medicine and how it approaches Rehabilitation. Learn about these 5000 year-old techniques that approach patient care from both a pathological and functional perspective and in-turn allow healing on a mind-body level. You will take away tools to integrate into your own practice.

Learning Objectives

1. Discuss the fundamentals of how Ayurveda addresses Rehabilitation
2. Describe the important rehabilitation techniques of Ayurveda
3. Distinguish between when to integrate Ayurvedic rehabilitation techniques into your own practice and when to refer out.

About Amita Nathwani​

Amita Nathwani is an Ayurvedic practitioner who serves as a provider, teacher, author, and faculty member at the Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine. With her psycho-spiritual approach, she embraces Ayurveda’s role in healing by considering the intricacies of all of life’s circumstances. She began her educational journey at the Maharishi School of Ayurveda and Sanskrit Studies in Bangalore, India, and continued at the esteemed Maharishi International University in Fairfield, IA. In 2003, she graduated with a Masters in Ayurveda and has been dedicated to bridging the gap between traditional practices of Ayurveda and their clinical applications to serve others toward a holistic approach to healing. In addition to her clinical practice, Amita’s passion lies in integrating Ayurveda and Lifestyle Medicine into medical school curriculums worldwide.

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