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ACRM Complementary Integrative Rehabilitation Medicine Networking Group



Dr. Zaliha Binti Omar is recognized and honored by INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL FOR CARING COMMUNITIES. Better Living … Adding Life to Years


Dr. Zaliha Binti Omar, M.B,B.S, FRCP,FAFRM,FAMM,DMR RCP, Honorary Professor at University Malaya, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia and Co-Chair of the Nature-Based Rehabilitation Medicine Task Force of the Complementary Integrative Rehabilitation Medicine Networking Group is the recipient of the International Council for Caring Communities (ICCC) Pioneer Award for outstanding achievement and contribution to world betterment from a United Nations associated organization. She will be honored at an awards ceremony at the United Nation in New York on April 24, 2024.

Ariana Vora awarded pilot grant to investigate Ayurveda intervention


Ariana VoraCIRMNG Co-Chair, Dr. Ariana Vora has done it again! She was recently awarded a $50,000 pilot grant from Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital’s Research Accelerator Program to investigate Ayurveda intervention to enhance clinical and biomarker response to orthobiologic treatment of chronic knee osteoarthritis pain. Due to a previous Osher Center’s grant award she has been able to expand and advance significantly her CIRM research program. Kudos to Dr. Vora!

Sonya Kim Receives Switzer Research Fellowship Grant


Sonya KimCongratulations to CIRMNG Chair, Sonya Kim, PhD, CRC, BCB, whose application was selected for funding by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) under the Switzer Research Fellowships Program Grant. Her study, Measuring Posttraumatic Growth in Caregiving Family of Acquired Brain Injury Survivors: A New Scale, will be conducted in collaboration with the Brain Injury Association of New York State to adapt a post-traumatic growth scale she previously developed and validated for caregiving partners of persons with multiple sclerosis for use by family caregivers of individuals with ABI.

Ariana Vora receives Osher Pilot Research Grant


Ariana VoraCongratulations go to CIRMNG Co-Chair, Ariana Vora, MD, who is one of three 2019 recipients of an Osher Pilot Research Grant. The Osher Center awards annual early seed funding to investigators from across Harvard Medical School for innovative projects in the field of integrative medicine including basic, translational, and clinical research. Each application undergoes a formal peer-review process and is ranked for funding priority based on strategic and scientific merit. Dr. Vora is Harvard Medical School Staff Physician at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital and co-PI of “Ayurveda intervention to enhance clinical and biomarker response to orthobiologic treatment of chronic knee osteoarthritis pain.” Read More >>

Congratulations to Sonya Kim & Daniel Klyce


Sonya Kim imageThe APA journal, Rehabilitation Psychology, announced a new recognition program to honor the service of the top 5 percent of its editorial board members and reviewers. Please join us in congratulating CIRMNG Chair, Sonya Kim, PhD and BI-ISIG member, Daniel Klyce, PhD, ABPP, who were recognized as 2018 Editorial Board Members of the Year along with Kathleen Bogart, PhD. They were honored for their contributions to the journal based on their reviewer statistics, consistent high quality and timely reviews, and for overall service to the journal.


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