Shilpa Krishnan, PhD, PT
Assistant Professor, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Division of Physical Therapy
Emory University School of Medicine
Dr. Krishnan is an Assistant professor at Emory University School of Medicine at the Division of Physical Therapy, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine. She is a licensed physical therapist currently with active license in the states of New York and Texas. She received a Bachelors in Physical Therapy from Dr. D.Y. Patil University, India and Masters in Science in Physical Therapy from the University of Pittsburgh. She completed her PhD in Rehabilitation Sciences from the University of Pittsburgh, Department of Rehabilitation Science and Technology.
She further completed her NIDILRR post-doctoral fellowship with Dr. Ken Ottenbacher from the University of Texas Medical Branch on Patient-Centered Outcomes Research (PCOR)and Health Services Research. Her research focuses on PCOR methods, comparing the effectiveness of rehabilitation and functional outcomes following stroke across various settings, management of caregiver burden following neurological conditions, prevention and early detection of secondary complications following spinal cord injury such as pressure ulcers, pneumonia, urinary tract infections etc. She is the PI on a NIDILRR-funded Switzer grant exploring pressure ulcer outcomes and service utilization among older adults in skilled nursing facility.