Early Engagement Task Force
The CDNG Early Engagement Task Force will focus on engaging health professions students in ACRM and educating younger students about the rehabilitation professions and sciences.
- Implements the Post-Doc matching program.
- Implemented an outreach program – contacted Program Directors with invitations to come to the ACRM Annual Conference for their students who are interested in the field of rehabilitation.

Nathan Hogaboom, PhD
Research Scientist, Center for Spinal Cord Injury Research
Kessler Foundation
Post-doc Matching Program
Open for applications December 16 to January 31, 2025
Description of the Program:
This program is a benefit for the ACRM membership. The ACRM Post Doc member is provided with opportunities to apply for open positions.
Twice a year ACRM surveys it’s members who either have post-doctoral positions available or our members who are trainees seeking post-doctoral research positions. The Survey runs 6-7 weeks. We then provide information about our impressive trainee members and about the available post-doctoral positions with every ACRM member who has responded to the survey.
Overall, there is great enthusiasm for this program, and we have learned a lot to continue to make it better as we move forward.
VISION: Individuals who are still in training to become rehabilitation professionals will join ACRM, our community group, and our task forces to obtain early engagement opportunities and bolster professional development.
MISSION: To be the conduit between ACRM and the training community (e.g., post docs, fellows, and students in rehabilitation related fields), to introduce and engage trainees into the Early Career opportunities throughout ACRM.
- Launching twice a year the Post-doc Matching Program.
- Develop a “program” to introduce students to the field of physical medicine and rehabilitation.
Thank you for being a part of the CDNG Early Engagement Task Force! We love that the ACRM attracts the most passionate interdisciplinary mix of rehabilitation pros from around the world. What an honor to collaborate with such driven individuals. We hope to meet with you at our upcoming networking group meeting to discuss current projects and opportunities for contribution and collaboration.
ACRM CDNG Early Engagement Task Force Meeting
Join us this month to discuss the 2025 ACRM Annual Conference, Task Force updates, and new projects. We welcome your participation.
Email Nathan Hogaboom for more information!
DATE: First Friday of Every other Month (February, April, June, August, September, October, December)
TIME: 1:00 PM Eastern
Meeting ID: 840 0472 5870
Passcode: 321733
Past Chairs
Stephanie A. Kolakowsky-Hayner, PhD, CBIST, FACRM