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BI-ISIG Moving Ahead

 2024 Fall Edition

Task Force News

Girls and Women Task Force: 

Girls and Women with ABI Task Force is submitting an ACRM Information and Education Page titled Understanding Brain Injury in Intimate Partner Violence: A Guide for Frontline Workers in Shelters

In addition, the Girls and Women with ABI Task Force invite ACRM attendees to the symposium Connecting Dots: Exploring the Link Between Intimate Partner Violence and Brain Injury.


Culture and Diversity Task Force

Patricia Garcia, Co-Chair of the Culture and Diversity Task Force, received pilot funding from Texas RCMAR funded by the NIA for a proposal that will study motivators and barriers for ADRD research engagement among Latino populations in Indiana. Patricia was also selected for the ACRM Career development and mentoring group specific for the Research Program.

Zack Ahonle, member of the Culture and Diversity Task Force, received from ACRM, a Service Commendation Certificate as ACRM Mentoring Program 2023 Faculty. Zack also published the following two papers:

Chiu, C., Rumrill, S., Ahonle, Z. J., Wertheimer, J., Henderson, K., & Dillahunt-Aspillaga, C. (2024). The Unique Function and Value of a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor for People with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

Ahonle, Z.J., Hill, J. C., Rumrill, P., Degeneffe C. E., & Dillahunt-Aspillaga, C. (2023). The 2023 revision to the CRCC Code of Ethics: Implications for defining and protecting the counselor-client relationship. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin.

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