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BI-ISIG Early Career Scholarship to the Annual Conference


The BI-ISIG Executive Committee is committed to supporting early career involvement in the BI-ISIG and its task forces. Attending the Annual Conference and connecting in person with fellow task force members and others is a great way to stay involved.  We also hear your concerns and know how difficult it may be to obtain the travel funds needed. So, to assist active, early career members who wish to attend the 2016 conference in Chicago, the BI-ISIG is pleased to offer three travel scholarships—valued at $650 each. Don’t miss this opportunity to network and collaborate with experienced brain injury professionals and advance your career!

THREE (3) SCHOLARSHIPS will be awarded to BI-ISIG members who are:

  • Early Career professionals, i.e., within five years of completion of training (terminal degree or postdoctoral fellowship, if applicable)
  • Planning to attend the ACRM 2016 Annual Conference
  • Active participants in a BI-ISIG task force



Both an endorsement from the applicant’s task force chair and specific information regarding their participation are required.

Each BI-ISIG Early Career Annual Conference travel scholarship recipient will receive a cash award of $650 to cover travel expenses to attend the Annual Conference. Self-nominations are welcomed.


NOMINATIONS DUE:  15 August 2016



  1. Contact your task force chair and request an email endorsement of your self-nomination for the 2016 Annual Conference Travel Scholarship outlining your current task force participation.
  2. Endorsements should be emailed to Monique Pappadis by 15 August
  3. Complete and submit the nomination form below.  Be sure to include complete and specific details about your participation in task force activities.

If you need assistance with the nomination process, please contact Terri Compos.



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