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BI-ISIG 2024 Call for Nominations

Nomination Procedure – Closed for 2024

All candidates must be or become active ACRM members in good standing and current member of BI-ISIG. All nominations should be emailed to Shannon Juengst, Nominating Committee Chair, and BI-ISIG Chair-Elect and to include the following:

  • The Officer position for which the candidate is nominated
  • The name of the candidate, with credentials
  • Candidate’s title and affiliation
  • Candidate’s CV

Criteria for BI-ISIG Executive Committee Members

  • Active ACRM member in good standing and member of BI-ISIG
  • Knowledgeable about and supportive of the ACRM & BI-ISIG mission and objectives
  • Demonstrate a special commitment to ACRM & BI-ISIG through tenure of membership and participation in the organization
  • Ability to accomplish tasks on schedule and to work effectively with other people
  • Understand and agree to the necessary commitment of time and community activities

Welcome to the incoming BI-ISIG Executive Committee effective 2024 Summit at the ACRM Annual Conference in Dallas, Texas:

Chair Elect



Program Chair

Awards Officer

Early Career Officer

Communications Officer

Yelena Bodien, PhD

Michael Williams, PhD

Kathryn Hyzak, PhD

Jiabin Shen, PhD, Med

Emily Evans, PT, PhD

Raj Kumar, PhD, MPH

Amanda Rabinowitz, PhD

Roles & Responsibilities


Chair Elect


The Chair-Elect shall act to obtain the greatest possible acquaintanceship with the affairs and membership of the BI-ISIG so as to effectively and efficiently fulfill the office of Chair upon his/her succession. The Chair-Elect shall oversee that a BI-ISIG membership of 30 or more persons is maintained by the ACRM National Office and that an ongoing campaign is maintained to promote BI-ISIG membership in order to enhance its ability to fulfill its stated objectives. The Chair-Elect will provide a full membership report to the membership at the annual BI-ISIG business meeting.

In support of these duties, the Chair-Elect will serve as BI-ISIG liaison and a member of the ACRM Membership Committee (or ensure that another Bi-ISIG Executive Committee representative is a member).

The Chair-Elect will also serve as Chair on the BI-ISIG Nominating Committee. The Chair-Elect shall preside at general or business meetings in the absence of the Chair and shall succeed to the office of the Chair in the event of removal of the Chair for reasons stated within these Rules of Governance.


Holds office for two years as the Chair Elect, then advances to the position of Chair for two years and then advances to the Past Chair for two years. NOTE: The Chair Position is also a liaison to the Board of Governors (Ex-Officio) which requires attendance at the monthly Board of Governors meeting which includes the in-person Spring and Annual Conference Board of Governors meetings.



The Secretary shall maintain a correct and permanent record of the meetings and transactions of the BI-ISIG, including minutes of all meetings, on a centralized data system supported by the ACRM National Office. The Secretary will also assume responsibility for reviewing and preserving the BI-ISIG Rules of Governance with regard to legality, integrity and consistency within itself and with the existing by-laws of the ACRM and preparing modifications in appropriate form for the membership’s input and approval. The Secretary will serve as a BI-ISIG liaison and member on an ACRM standing committee as deemed necessary and negotiated with the Chair.


The Secretary holds office for two (2) years. This position can be extended for two (2) optional two-year terms if agreed upon by the Secretary and Nominating Committee and voted upon by the general membership.



The Treasurer shall act as liaison between the ACRM National Office and the BI-ISIG regarding all funds of the BI-ISIG and provide a full financial report to the membership at the annual business meeting. The Treasurer will serve as a BI-ISIG liaison and member on an ACRM standing committee as deemed necessary and negotiated with the Chair.


The Treasurer holds office for two (2) years. This position can be extended for two (2) optional two-year terms if agreed upon by the Treasurer and Nominating Committee and voted upon by the general membership.

Program Officer 


The Program Officer shall ensure that the BI-ISIG sponsored program content successfully occurs at the ACRM annual meeting. The Program Officer will identify and present to the BI-ISIG Executive Committee for approval at least one lead speaker and program content for the Annual Sheldon Berrol Chautauqua. The Program Officer may identify potential speakers and content for the Chautauqua by making a call for nominations for the Chautauqua lecture, requiring that applications and information be received in time for decision-making by the Executive Committee prior to the relevant deadline. The Program Officer will serve as the liaison for the lead Chautauqua speaker and coordinate any issues with regard to funds, special needs, etc. It is critical that the Chautauqua and the BI-ISIG business meeting run unopposed by other BI talks and events. The Program Officer will request nominations from the Pediatric and Adolescent Task Force Chair a proposal for the Ylvisaker symposium, by February, requiring that the final nomination be received in time for the relevant deadline. The Program Officer will serve as the liaison along with the Pediatric and Adolescent Task Force Chair to coordinate any issues with regard to funds, special needs, etc. The Program Officer will serve on the ACRM Program Committee, which has responsibility for the ACRM Annual Conference. The Program/Awards Officer will assure that ACRM program content sufficiently addresses BI-ISIG interests and that sponsored BI-ISIG programs are coordinated with the Program Committee, including that no scheduling conflicts exist such as the Chautauqua and BI-ISIG Business Meeting run unopposed by other BI talks and events.


The Program Officer holds office for two (2) years. This position can be extended for two (2) optional two-year terms if agreed upon by the Program Officer and Nominating Committee and voted upon by the general membership.

Communications Officer 


The Communications Officer will lead and appoint members to the Media Committee to assist with communication using print, electronic, website, and social media.

The Communications Officer will assume the role of editor of Moving Ahead, the official newsletter of the BI-ISIG, and may appoint an associate editor from the Media Committee members.

The Communications Officer will be responsible for assuring that the content of Moving Ahead, the official newsletter of the BI-ISIG, is reflective of the purpose of the BI-ISIG and consistent with professional standards for periodical literature as well as assuring the timely distribution of Moving A head on at least an annual basis.

The Communications Officer in coordination with the ACRM National Office will be responsible for assuring that the content of BI-ISIG portion of the ACRM website is up to date and reflective of the mission and activities of the BI-ISIG.

The Communications officer may appoint a web associate editor from the Media Committee members. The Communications Officer in coordination with the ACRM National Office will also be responsible for the establishment and maintenance of communications using social media, as deemed necessary by the BI-ISG membership.

The Communications officer may appoint a social media associate editor from the Media Committee members.
The Communications Officer in coordination with the ACRM National Office will evaluate and respond to dissemination requests for BI-ISIG-related activities and research. This would include determination of appropriateness of the request and facilitation/coordination. In support of this duty, the Communications Officer will serve as BI-ISIG liaison and member of the ACRM Communications committee.


The Communications Officer holds office for two (2) years. This position can be extended for two (2) optional two-year terms if agreed upon by the Communications Officer and Nominating Committee and voted upon by the general membership.

Awards Officer


The Awards Officer shall ensure that the identification and presentation of BI-ISIG awards/ poster awards successfully occur at the ACRM annual meeting.

The Awards Officer will make a call for applications, receive applications, distribute same to the Executive Committee for review, and convene a meeting of the Executive Committee as needed to select awardees.

The Awards Officer will serve on the ACRM Program Poster Award Subcommittee, and alongside other BI-ISIG members who serve as judges on the Poster subcommittee, identify the winners of BI-ISIG poster awards (described above). The selections will be presented to the Executive Committee at the BI-ISIG Executive Committee meeting preceding the BI-ISIG annual business meeting.

The Awards Officer will coordinate the process of selecting the awardees of the Task Force Development Grants and will communicate with applicants regarding proposal revisions and final decisions regarding these awards.


Holds office for two (2) years. This position can be extended for two (2) optional two-year terms if agreed upon by the Awards Officer and Nominating Committee and voted upon by the general membership.

Early Career Officer


The Early Career Officer shall act as liaison between the ACRM Early Career Networking Group and the BI-ISIG and provide a regular reporting of early career ACRM membership needs and concerns. The Early Career Officer will provide input on all decisions to assure that the BI-ISIG is meeting the needs of early career members and professionals. The Early Career Officer may undertake projects or design and promote initiatives that will improve early career membership value and enhance ACRM and BI-ISIG recruitment and retention of early career professionals.

The Early Career Officer will coordinate the identification and announcement of the Early Career/ Consumer Annual Meeting Travel Scholarship recipients.


Early Career Officer – holds office for two (2) years. This position can be extended (re-elected) for additional two-year terms only if the officer will maintain “Early Career” status (that is, he or she is within 5 years of completing postgraduate training) for the duration of additional term.