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About ACRM

Chairs Council


The purpose of the Chairs’ Council is to support the ACRM 6M business model (Mission, Meetings, Management, Membership, Marketing, Media/products)



Stephanie Kolakowsky-Hayner, PhD, CBIST, FACRM

Stephanie Kolakowsky-Hayner, PhD, CBIST, FACRM


ACRM President-Elect
Senior Research Scientist and Director, DVBIC
Magellan Federal 



Good day to you! On behalf of ACRM President Elect: Dr. Stephanie Kolakowsky-Hayner, a gentle reminder of today’s Chairs Council meeting is sent. This meeting is a update meeting for ACRM Leadership of Committee, ISIG and Networking Group Chairs. Chair Elects and Past Chairs are also invited and welcomed to join.


ACRM Chairs Council Meeting Agenda

ACRM President Elect: Brad Kurowski, MD, FACRM
By invitation: ISIG and NG Chairs and Committee Chairs Chair Elect and Past Chairs are welcome but not required to attend.

Date: Wednesday 8 January 2025
Time: 2:00 p.m. Eastern I 11:00 a.m. Pacific I 9:00 p.m. EET


  1. To facilitate communication and peer support
  2. Program development and integration
  3. All recommendations by the Committee require BOG approval


  1. Provided an open and welcoming platform for cross community collaboration and communication
  2. Provided a conduit for BOG to Community Chair communication, so information is consistent across ACRM
  3. Reformatted the Agenda with Board Updates, CEO Updates, Conference Updates and Status, Section on new items to keep the ISIG, Networking Group and Committee Chairs up to date.


  1. Continue to support the 6 Ms of ACRM
  2. Continue to provide an opportunity for communication and collaboration across all ACRM Community Groups and between the ACRM BOG and Community Groups
  3. Continue to work with the Chairs and Program Committee to develop and integrate cross-community programming