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2018 Board of Governors Election





The office of Treasurer and two (2) Member-at-Large positions will be filled by the 2018 election. Each ACRM member in good standing will receive an election ballot via email on 6 May. The election survey will close at 5:00 PM EDT on 17 June. If you do not receive an election ballot or need assistance accessing the election survey, please contact Cindy Robinson, Communications Manager.

Member-at-Large Candidates include:

Treasurer Candidate (Incumbent):



Jeffrey Basford, MDMember-at-Large Candidate: Jeffrey R. Basford, MD, PhD

Professor, Department of Physical Medicine Rehabilitation
Mayo Clinic

I am honored to have been nominated to serve as a member-at large of the ACRM Board of Governors.  Why I should be chosen, however, deserves some discussion. A number of reasons seem pertinent. I have been involved in rehabilitation since the early 1980s and have been associated with the ACRM since that time.

Initially, I merely attended meetings, learned new material, and gained energy and enthusiasm by being around colleagues with inquisitive minds and similar interests. Over the years my involvement has grown with milestones including winning the Licht Award with my coauthors in 1987 and joining the Archives editorial board a few years later.

With time, my engagement with the ACRM grew primarily through my work with the Archives but also due to involvement in research and ACRM educational activities.  Ultimately I served as an ex officio member of the Board over the 2007-2013 period while I was the Archives Editor in Chief. This was a time of immense change and stress for both organizations and my admiration for the Archives and ACRM only increased as we navigated it together.

Currently I am a Fellow of the ACRM but with the conclusion of my time as Editor in Chief, I no longer am devoting as much time and effort  to the ACRM as I would like.  I would like to remedy this situation and believe that I can use my experiences, leadership, editorship, and international contacts to contribute to the future growth of our impressive organization.


Deirdre DawsonMember-at-Large Candidate: Deirdre Dawson, PhD, OT Reg. (Ont.)

Senior Scientist, Rotman Research Institute, Toronto, Ontario
Associate Professor, Department of Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation Sciences Institute, University of Toronto, Ontario

I am very pleased and honored to be considered for a position on the Board of Governors of the ACRM.

I have a long history of involvement and service with ACRM. I and my trainees have been regular presenters at ACRM conferences for the past 15 years. Early on, I recognized the value of the ACRM as an organization and committed to participating in its vision and mission. Since 2007, I have served on and/or participated in a variety of committees and special interest groups including the Program Planning Committee, the Early Career Planning Committee, the BI-ISIG, the Community-Based Treatment Group of the BI-ISIG, the Women and TBI Interest Group, and the Measurements Interest Group. In 2013, I became the inaugural co-chair of the Geriatric Rehabilitation Interest Group in 2013 and have been instrumental in achieving non-stop content at the annual congress in the area of Geriatric Rehabilitation. In addition, I am a Cognitive Rehabilitation Training Faculty Member and a section editor of the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Medicine. I was very honored in 2015 to be the recipient of the Mitchel Rosenthal Award, given for demonstrated evidence of leadership skills, organizational abilities, and significant contributions in brain injury rehabilitation research.

My own research focuses on assessing and managing the consequences of executive dysfunction in everyday life activities. I am a Senior Scientist at the Rotman Research Institute, in Toronto and an Associate Professor at the University of Toronto in the Department of Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy and in the Rehabilitation Sciences Institute. I also serve in my Department as the Vice-Chair of Education.

Over the years, I have greatly appreciated the opportunities ACRM has provided in relation to meeting and collaborating with interdisciplinary researchers and clinicians. I am deeply committed to advancing the science of rehabilitation through rigorous research and to participating in and advancing knowledge translation efforts. I would like to continue to serve the ACRM by bringing this passion and commitment to the Board of Governors.


Juliet Haarbauer-KrupaMember-at-Large Candidate: Juliet K. Haarbauer-Krupa, PhD

Senior Health Scientist
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

I am honored to be considered as Member-at-Large for the ACRM Board of Governors. My experience in the field of rehabilitation has spanned 30 years and includes clinical care, program development, and research for children and adults.

Early in my career, I was a clinical speech-language pathologist who contributed to program start-up in 3 different facilities and co-authored the first text book on TBI rehabilitation in children. Following completion of my PhD, I started a rehabilitation research program in a large children’s healthcare system. In this capacity, I secured funding for projects to investigate transition to adulthood for adolescences and understanding outcomes for young children.

From 2011-2015, I was Principal Investigator for a NIDILRR field initiated longitudinal study examining outcomes for young children. In 2012, I started as a Health Scientist on the TBI team at CDC. In this role I work to better understand improving the lives of individuals of all ages with TBI and prevent injuries. The diversity of my experience provides insights into many areas of rehabilitation and quality of life for individuals living with a chronic health condition or disability.

In 2011, I became chair of the BI-ISAG Pediatric Adolescent Task Force where I have expanded membership, helped develop the Pediatric Networking group, and led a paper published in 2017.  In addition to this role, I have been a member of the Girls and Women Task Force, Prognosis Task Force, ACRM Membership Committee, Program Committee, and Pediatric Networking Group. I would like to give back to an organization that has provided me links to rehabilitation professionals dedicated to serving people with chronic health conditions by supporting research while promoting knowledge translation to clinical practice and individuals.

I greatly appreciate the many interactions and opportunities to collaborate with leading rehabilitation researchers in ACRM over the past several years, and would like to continue in this capacity as a representative of the ACRM membership. If elected, I will continue to work to advance the mission of ACRM to promote health, independence, productivity, and quality of life for people.

Thank you for consideration of my candidacy.


Patricia HeynMember-at-Large Candidate: Patricia C. Heyn, PhD, FGSA, FACRM

Associate Professor
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Anschutz Medical Campus
University of Colorado Denver

I am Dr. Patricia C. Heyn, an elected fellow and proud member of ACRM since 2003. I am honored to be considered for a position on the Board of ACRM. It is my privilege to give back to an organization that has provided to me with so many wonderful friends, outstanding colleagues, and unique leadership roles. My passion and goal are to further the mission of our organization through a multidisciplinary approach to rehabilitation sciences.

As the chair of the NDNG (2016-18), I have been able to increase the NDNG membership, activities, awards as well as content for the annual meeting. Under my leadership, the NDNG generated 3 conference cores, 3 IE pages, new task forces and 4 additional ACRM awards. Furthermore, I co-founded the CIRM NG with Dr. Sonya Kim.

In 2014, I formed the “Applied Cognition Taskforce (ACTF)” under the Measurement NG. Through the ACTF, I mentored and leaded two highly productive teams of scientists in evidence-synthesis investigations in rehabilitation medicine that produced several presentations and peer-review papers. I also am an active member in the ACRM communications, chairs of council, and program committees.

Through all these activities, I have had the privilege to work closely with many passionate ACRM members and staff. In addition to my ACRM leadership and mentoring activities, I serve in many rehabilitation research panels and have been prolific in contributing to the rehabilitation sciences with more than 80 peer-review articles, abstracts, and book chapters. My landmark paper “The effects of exercise training on elderly persons with cognitive impairment and dementia: a meta-analysis” has been recognized as one of the most cited articles (1,150 times) from the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and more than 545 Web of Sciences citations.

I hope you will continue to give me the opportunity to serve ACRM with my passion, leadership, creativity and mentorship dedication. I am looking forward to work closely with my wonderful colleagues from the ACRM Board of Governors to keep growing and amplifying our organization to the highest standards and achievements to make this world better for the people that we love to serve.


Risa Nakase-RichardsonMember-at-Large Candidate: Risa Nakase-Richardson, PhD, FACRM

Clinician Investigator, Department of Veterans Affairs
Associate Professor, University of South Florida

Thank you for the honor of running for a Member at Large position on the ACRM Board of Governors. I have worked in neurorehabilitation for the past twenty years. I completed my PhD at West Virginia University, internship at the University of Mississippi Medical Center/Sony Montgomery VAMC Consortium, and Neuropsychology fellowship at the Methodist Rehabilitation Center/University of Mississippi Medical Center Consortium in Jackson, MS.

For the past ten years, I have worked as a Clinician Investigator within the Department of Veterans Affairs at James A. Haley Polytrauma Rehabilitation Center in Tampa, Florida and an Associate Professor in the Morsani College of Medicine, Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine Division at the University of South Florida. I am a core investigator in the Health Services Research and Development funded Center of Innovation on Disability and Rehabilitation Research in Tampa.

I have been active in various leadership roles across many levels of ACRM. I am currently serving in my third year as the Chair of the Military and Veteran Networking Group with the goal of increasing opportunities for VA and DOD investigators to engage in ACRM across the various communities. I have overseen creation of four new task forces that connect VA and DOD researchers with professionals in academia or the private sector to promote private-public partnerships.

I have also served as Treasure of the Brain Injury Interdisciplinary Special Interest Group for two terms overseeing the budget and engaging in organizational planning for the BI-ISIG. Finally, I am in my ninth year as the Chair of the Disorder of Consciousness Task Force within the BI-ISIG. During that time, I have helped to organize and engage ACRM members on task force products to advance the interest of those with severe brain injury.

Serving in these various capacities has provided me with a solid grounding in understanding the needs of the everyday member of ACRM. I would like to work to improve opportunities for engagement in ACRM for our professional community and promote collaboration with outside organizations to advance the role of rehabilitation in care for those with disabilities.


Ross ZafonteMember-at-Large Candidate: Ross Zafonte, DO, FACRM

Earle P. and Ida S. Charlton Professor and Chair, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Harvard Medical School
Senior Vice President, Medical Affairs, Education and Research, Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital Network
Chief, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Massachusetts General Hospital
and Brigham and Women’s Hospital

I am honored to be considered for the position on the Board of the ACRM in the member at large position. My over 20 years of experience in organizational leadership positions has helped me to reinforce my belief experience   that interdisciplinary research and care is the way forward. Of note my career has spanned several academic institutions and allowed me to develop a broad set of concepts that focus on progressing team concepts forward.

At the present time, I am the Earle P. and Ida S. Charlton Professor and Chairman of the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Harvard Medical School.  I also serve as chief of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Massachusetts General Hospital, and Brigham Women’s Hospital as well as Vice President Medical Affairs Research and Education at Spaulding Rehabilitation Network.  I have overseen institutional and clinical finances in a variety of settings for nearly twenty years, which gives me  an appreciation  of  organizational responsibility.

My background in vigorous research environments gives me an appreciation of the importance of organizational leadership in advocating for and sharing important research information. As a fellow of the ACRM, I am deeply committed to the mission of the ACRM toward fostering interdisciplinary research along with developing innovative means to expand knowledge translation.


Mike JonesCandidate for Treasurer (Incumbent): Michael Jones, PhD, FACRM

Vice President, Research & Technology
Shepherd Center

I am pleased and honored to accept the nomination as Treasurer of ACRM.  Over the past several years, I have had the pleasure to serve ACRM as Communications Committee chair, Program Committee chair, founding member of the SCI-SIG, and for the past two years, as Treasurer.

The success of ACRM in fulfilling its mission requires a strong foundation both organizationally and financially.  To this end, my primary goals as Treasurer over the past 18 months have been to establish a solid banking relationship for ACRM and ensure regular reporting of ACRM’s financial status to the membership.  I am pleased to report that we have chosen BB&T as our banking partner.  Working with CEO Jon Lindberg and Christine Ginsberg, the ACRM accountant, we have secured a line of credit and corporate credit cards from BB&T, and are in the process of transitioning our banking and investment services which will result in significant cost savings.  Jon, Christine and I have also established a simplified financial reporting process that we have rolled out to the ACRM Board.  We will use this as the basis for quarterly reporting of ACRM’s financial status to the entire membership beginning this summer.

I look forward to the opportunity to continue my service to ACRM and, through the organization, to the broader medical rehabilitation community.



  1. Active ACRM member in good standing
  2. Knowledgeable about and supportive of the ACRM mission and objectives
  3. Demonstrate a special commitment to ACRM through tenure of membership and participation in the organization
  4. Ability to accomplish tasks on schedule and to work effectively with others
  5. Understand and agree to the necessary commitment of time and Board activities



Board members shall:

  1. Know the ACRM mission, purposes, goals, policies, programs, services, strengths, and needs
  2. Follow trends in all aspects of rehabilitation
  3. Be willing to undertake special assignments when asked
  4. Serve ACRM as a whole rather than any special interest group or constituency
  5. Prepare for and participate in Board meetings, including appropriate organizational activities
  6. Participate in scheduled Board meetings both in person and via conference call, and notify the President in a timely manner if unable to participate at specific meetings
  7. Suggest agenda items for Board meetings to ensure that significant policy-related matters are addressed
  8. Support the majority decision on issues voted upon by the Board
  9. Maintain close communication with any committee or ISIG of which a liaison assignment has been made. Assure that their concerns and interests are conveyed to the Board and report back to them on relevant Board decisions
  10. Maintain confidentiality of the Board meeting and conference calls
  11. Read and understand the organization’s financial statements and otherwise help the Board fulfill its fiduciary responsibilities
  12. Counsel the CEO and President as appropriate
  13. Serve as chair, co-chair, council or task force as appointed by the President
  14. Annually complete Conflict of Interest Statement, to be submitted to the President



  1. Review monthly financial statements. Report to the Board any significant deviations from the budget.
  2. Develop a preliminary budget in cooperation with the CEO, review budget with Executive/Finance Committee, and recommend approval of the budget to the Board of Governors.
  3. Submit a written report to the Board of Governors at midyear and annual meetings. Respond to questions at Board meetings.
  4. Present an oral report at the annual meeting’s General Business Session.
  5. With Executive-Finance Committee, establish guidelines for investments and other financial policies.
  6. Assure that an annual independent audit or review is conducted.
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