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Distinguished Member Award ACRM Award

Distinguished Member Award



Stephanie Kolakowsky-HaynerACRM is pleased to recognize Stephanie Kolakowsky-Hayner, PhD, CBIST, FACRM, as the 2018 ACRM Distinguished Member.

Dr. Stephanie Kolakowsky-Hayner is an Associate Professor of Research in the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine at Icahn School of Medicine, Mt. Sinai and Co-Investigator on the NIDILRR-funded NY TBI and SCI Model Systems. She serves as Recruitment and Neuropsychological Outcome Consultant for the multicenter NIH-funded Central Thalamic Stimulation for TBI study. She is Immediate Past Chairman of the Board of the Brain Injury Association of California; a member of the Academy of Certified Brain Injury Specialists’ Board of Governors (BOG), ACRM BOG, Pink Concussions Professional Advisory Board, and Independence Care Systems SCI Advisory Committee.

Dr. Kolakowsky-Hayner is Vocational-Community Issues Panel Chair for the Brain Injury Association of America and Mount Sinai’s Guidelines for Rehabilitation and Chronic Disease Management of Adults with Moderate to Severe TBI development project. She serves on the Community Advisory Board of the DOD-funded Chronic Effects of Neurotrauma Consortium and is Co-Chair of the 4th Federal Interagency Conference on TBI.

Dr. Kolakowsky-Hayner has over 20 years’ experience in TBI, SCI, stroke, and other neurologic condition research. She has made over 200 professional presentations and published over 220 peer-reviewed manuscripts, book chapters, and other information materials for professionals and consumers with disabilities.

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ACRM Annual Conference | Progress in Rehabilitation Research
CORE: 30 SEPT – 3 OCT 2018 // Hilton Anatole, DALLAS, USA // PRE-CONFERENCE: 28 – 30 SEPT

Although significant changes are not anticipated, the schedules, sessions, and presenters posted on this website are subject to change.

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