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Deborah L. Wilkerson Early Career Award ACRM Award

Deborah L. Wilkerson Early Career Award 2020 Recipient


Deborah L. Wilkerson Award 2020 Recipient Shannon Juengst


The Awards Committee is pleased to honor Shannon Juengst, PhD, CRC with the 2020 Deborah L. Wilkerson Early Career Award supported by CARF International. This award recognizes the significant contributions she has made to rehabilitation research during her early career work.

Dr. Juengst presented the Wilkerson Award oral presentation, Care Partner Problem-Solving Training in Rehabilitation, on 23 October at the ACRM 2020 VIRTUAL Annual Conference. Registered attendees make access this presentation through the online program through 30 June 2021.



Dr. Juengst is a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor and Assistant Professor in the Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center.  Dr. Juengst has over 15 years of research experience in the field of brain injury rehabilitation. Her research focuses on developing evidence-based measurement and interventions for behavioral and emotional outcomes after traumatic brain injury (TBI), applying innovative telehealth methods to improve long-term tracking, and investigating biopsychosocial relationships after TBI. She has been actively involved in the TBI Model Systems since 2012, authoring multiple publications related to TBI Model Systems studies. She is currently the Principal Investigator for the North Texas TBI Model Systems module project examining the feasibility of delivering Problem Solving Training to care partners of patients with TBI during the inpatient rehabilitation stay. She is also PI of an NIH-funded measurement development and validation study to improve long-term remote tracking of neurobehavioral symptoms in chronic TBI. Her primary research interest is developing and employing patient-centered measurement tools to track behavioral, cognitive, and emotional symptoms long-term after injury, to better identify and treat these symptoms and minimize their impact on the quality of life of individuals with TBI and their care partners. At ACRM, Dr. Juengst is an active Executive Committee member of both the Brain Injury ISIG and the Measurement Networking Group.