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ACRM Annual Conference Progress in Rehabilitation Research

Jacqueline Stevens, Colorado State University: What’s the Best part of ACRM?

“The best thing about ACRM for me is meeting up with my OT colleagues from grad school, and my interdisciplinary colleagues, and people who I can continue to collaborate with or who I meet and get to collaborate in the future — it’s a really great place to network. ACRM is GREAT! You have rehab professionals here and they’re a fun lot. I think the most fun thing is catching up with my colleagues and it’s like we’re back in school and it’s awesome”

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ACRM Annual Conference | Progress in Rehabilitation Research
CORE: 30 SEPT – 3 OCT 2018 // Hilton Anatole, DALLAS, USA // PRE-CONFERENCE: 28 – 30 SEPT

Although significant changes are not anticipated, the schedules, sessions, and presenters posted on this website are subject to change.
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