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ACRM Annual Conference Progress in Rehabilitation Research

Jessica Jarvis, MT-BC, Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Illinois at Chicago

“This is my third time at ACRM, my first time post-PHD, so it’s my first time as a ‘professional grown-up’ so I’m pretty excited. This is my first submission post-doctoral work and it received an award with ACRM which is really exciting and validating for me as a new professional.  ACRM highlights the idea that this interdisciplinary approach is  needed and appreciated and that we can produce some really valued work, so it’s really exciting and encouraging for me”

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ACRM Annual Conference | Progress in Rehabilitation Research
CORE: 30 SEPT – 3 OCT 2018 // Hilton Anatole, DALLAS, USA // PRE-CONFERENCE: 28 – 30 SEPT

Although significant changes are not anticipated, the schedules, sessions, and presenters posted on this website are subject to change.
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