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Lite Run awarded LaunchPad ‘Best Overall’


Lite Run Inc. awarded ACRM LaunchPad "Best Overall" innovation

Doug Johnson, Chief Technology Officer, demonstrated the winning Lite RunTM System at the LaunchPad competition during the ACRM Conference in Dallas. The system features “space suit” pants designed for the treatment of balance and walking impairment. Using air pressure to support body weight, the system provides safe, comfortable unweighting for patients and reduces the labor and lifting burden for therapists. Learn More >>

Bright Brainer Awarded “Most Impactful”


Bright Brainer receives "Most Impactful" LaunchPad award

The BrightBrainerTM BBX product is a mobile, compact, turnkey, rehabilitation system that uses a library of integrative VR games. It uses a medical-grade computer in a lockable cabinet, a large display, wireless game controllers that measure bimanual 3D hand movement and index flexion. Optional equipment includes wrist weights for strengthening, special adaptors for spastic hands, and low-friction mats for gravity bearing. It is an FDA registered Class I medical device with indications in upper extremity motor rehabilitation and brain exercises. The system automatically generates session reports. BrightBrainer BBX was unveiled at ACRM 2017, and it is ready to be sold/leased. To date we have not had sales. Further testing involves use in the home. We are in discussion with potential investors. BCI’s vision is to become a world leader in virtual rehabilitation, and improve outcomes using our advanced technology. Learn More >>

TheraNow Receives LaunchPad “Most Innovative” Award


TheraNow Receives LaunchPad "Most Innovative" Award

TheraNow is revolutionizing the field of physical therapy by training licensed physical therapists in newly developed, proprietary telemedicine based assessment and management techniques that can evaluate the patient over a secure two-way video call system. TheraNow enables access to therapy from the comfort of the patient’s home or office, using either an iphone, adroid phone or a laptop. The patient pays for the services with a credit card and the therapist’s compensation is deposited in their bank account automatically. A HIPPA Compliant EMR system maintains professional documentation of the patient encounters. Learn More >>


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