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Excellence in Health Equity Research Award


This award recognizes the scientific contributions of researchers that promote health equity or address disparities in rehabilitation medicine.

A plaque will be presented to the recipient, and the awardee will present their best paper during the scientific paper presentations for the current year’s ACRM conference.

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ACRM 2024 ACRM Excellence in Health Equity Research Award - Amy Houtrow



The ACRM Awards Committee is pleased to honor Amy Houtrow, MD, PhD, MPH, with the ACRM Excellence in Health Equity Research Award





  • Nominees must have made significant research contributions that promote health equity or address disparities in rehabilitation medicine. 
  • Nominee must be a ACRM member.
  • Nominee must attend the current year’s ACRM annual conference.
  • Self-nominations are welcome.





  • Nomination letter, which must include the nominee’s full name, credentials, phone number, and address. 
  • A statement of approximately 500 words in length outlining the nominee’s research accomplishments in rehabilitation. 
  • Two letters of support outlining the nominee’s contributions that promote health equity or address disparities in rehabilitation medicine. Note that the nomination letter is a separate requirement and is not counted as one of the letters of support.
  • 1-3 peer reviewed research publications that promote health equity or address disparities in rehabilitation medicine (PDF is required, links to papers do not satisfy the requirement). Manuscripts accepted, but not yet published, are acceptable as well as those already in print.
  • A CV for the nominee.
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