Farhad Ostovar, PT, DPT, CBIS
Clinical Director Amputee Care and Prosthetic Services, Adventis HealthCare Rehabilitation
Farhad Ostovar, PT, DPT, CBIS
Clinical Director Amputee Care and Prosthetic Services
Adventis HealthCare Rehabilitation
TC 4: Innovation in Limb Loss Rehabilitation >>
Farhad Ostovari, PT, DPT, CBIS, is the Clinical Director for Amputee Care and Prosthetic Services at Adventist HealthCare Rehabilitation in Rockville, Maryland. Farhad organizes the amputee support group, amputee awareness 5K walk, wheel or Run, peer visitor and PALS training. Farhad is teaching orthotic and prosthetic in local community colleges and universities in MD and DC.