Offering customized Sponsor Packages
- Logo included in the footer of all event web pages
- Logo included in all promotional emails (eblasts) beginning the month after payment received.
- Each eblast reaching 15,000+
- Logo in weekly member newsletter: ACRM eNews
- Logo recognition in signage onsite
- Logo affiliation included In print ads in the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation appearing in the months leading up to the event.
- DEADLINE: sign-up and payment must be received by 31 JANUARY 2020 for inclusion.
- Post-conference listings on the web pages for one year
LOGO Plus 50-word description / web ad & links
- Logo plus description and / or web ad placed on the page of the sponsored item / course
Mentions & affiliations
- Mentions and logo included through all ACRM communication channels:
- weekly member newsletter: ACRM eNews
- ACRM social media “lift” from ACRM’s extensive social media — featured and tagged in Conference tweets
LEARN MORE & RESERVE NOW: Complete the contact form below or contact
Membership Services, +1.703.435.5335
Sponsorship & Advertising Inquiry Form