$50 OFF
2-Day ACBIS Training
The Official Academy of Certified Brain Injury Specialists (ACBIS)
Training Course & Certification Exam
for Brain Injury Specialists
Enter code: acbisoffer
ONLY through St. Patrick’s Day
Offer ENDS 17 MAR midnight EDT
The Brain Injury Association of America offers a national certification program through its Academy of Certified Brain Injury Specialists (ACBIS). This two-day training is the official course designed to prepare participants to sit for the Certification Exam and join more than 7,000 Certified Brain Injury Specialists worldwide.
To obtain certification, candidates must complete the required work experience/training and pass an examination.
The (optional) proctored certification exam will be offered at the end of the course on 25 April to those who register for the ACBIS Training Course and pre-apply to sit for the exam (additional fee applies) by 10 April 2020. No exceptions to the deadline will be made. READ MORE >>
This offer applies to new registrations and non-members only. (Members already receive the lowest rates.) May not be combined with other offers, including special pricing status categories, and institutional membership. Offer not applicable to presenters nor previous purchases. Offer ends at midnight, 17 March 2020 (11:59 PM EDT).