Amber Schwartz, MHS, OTR/L, CDRS
Occupational Therapist
Shepherd Center
Atlanta, Georgia
Amber is an Occupational Therapist and CDRS in the ABI Post Acute program at the Shepherd Center. She received a Masters of Health Sciences from the Medial College of Georgia, now Augusta University. She has been practicing in the rehabilitation setting for more than 10 years, working with patients of all ages and diagnoses, including ABI, CVA, orthopedic & other neurological disorders. Amber’s clinical experience & continuing education is specialized in the areas of vision assessment/ intervention with neurological disorders and in driving rehabilitation. She received her Certified Driving Rehabilitation Specialist credentials in 2015. Amber has contributed to the development of Shepherd Center’s Vision Clinic for the acute ABI patient and has presented on Vision Assessment and Intervention after ABI. She is co-author of an article for OT practice magazine on return to driving training for ABI. She recently assisted with development in the Driving De-Sensitization program as an emerging practice area for mild TBI. Amber currently serves as an ABI continuum float OT and mentor.