Hope S. Jervis Rademeyer, MPT
PhD Candidate
KITE Research Institute-Toronto Rehab-University Health Network; University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario

Hope S. Jervis Rademeyer, MPT PhD Candidate

KITE Research Institute-Toronto Rehab-University Health Network; University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario


IC18: An Electrifying Introduction to the Use of Functional Electrical Stimulation in Neurorehabilitation: A Hands-on Approach >>


Hope Jervis Rademeyer is a PhD candidate in Rehabilitation Science at the University of Toronto under the supervision of Dr. Kristin Musselman. Her research interest is in the rehabilitation of people with spinal cord injury using neurotechnology (i.e. brain-computer interface, functional electrical stimulation, robots) to augment traditional therapy. She has experience delivering therapy using FES as a stand-alone device and in conjunction with a brain-computer interface. Her research has involved training balance and upper limb function using FES in combination with other interventions. Hope also works as a musculoskeletal physiotherapist in private practice in Hamilton, Ontario.